Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New England Foliage

Recently I was able to visit my parents in New England. While I was there I took a few pictures from the outside of my parents house. I've done this many times before, but never have been able to stitch the images back together again once I made it home. Photoshop to the rescue. Photoshop made it ridiculously easy to align the images and blend the colors. As proof I present this:


miriam Case said...

Great job buzzy bear! You are so talented. You must get it from your mom!!

Justin said...

Are you stitching these by hand? One of my coworkers did a post comparing a couple of stitching utilities. Unfortunately, he wasn't happy with anything he tested. You can read his post at

It's good to hear that everything is going well. You should drop Karl and Adam and I a line the next time you visit NH.

Isaac said...

It's actually a new feature in Photoshop CS3. It's auto align and auto blend. Here's an article that shows it in action [link]

Justin said...

Neato. I have access to CS3, but I haven't really had time to work with it. I've spent the last couple years using The Gimp when I need to muck about with an image. This will have to go in my bag of tricks since the HP software won't stitch more then 5 images together.

Unknown said...

GIMP 4 eva! d:

Justin said...

The GIMP has a distinctly unpolished feel on both windows and mac. The mac installation is absurdly difficult by Mac standards, and that's after you decide which of the 4 installation you want to use.

From what I can tell you'll need a plugin to use do the same thing The GIMP. Perhaps you meant to say "Pandora 4 Eva"?