Saturday, May 16, 2009

Used as an example

I had a neat experience recently (this past quarter). My old professor from when I took Artificial Intelligence asked if he could use my paper as an example for the class. That's the first time a professor has asked to use my work as an example for others.

Here's the link. Look for "Example Research Paper".

Friday, May 15, 2009

Computer Vision Paper

Here's a direct to the paper (pdf)

PDF Paper Link

Computer Vision Object Tracking Spring 2009

Computer Vision

Well, it's been quite a while since I've had a post.

So, what have I been up to? I guess a video would be more helpful than what I could say.

I've been working on Computer Vision. Specifically I've been working on object tracking. I did it as a small project for an Introduction to Computer Vision class and continued it with an Advanced Computer Vision class and an Independent Study. It's been quite a lot of work, and learned a lot along the way. Also, here's a YouTube playlist of some of the other results that I played around with, some better than other.

YouTube Playlist

I have a research paper as well documenting my implementation and results that I'll post soon!

Any Questions? leave a comment